We played hookey from church this week and took a family ski day. It was glorious weather! I can't tell you how often the word glorious comes out of our mouths in reference to the word day. I will hear the kids saying sometimes. The weather recently, as I've heard from many of you, has just been epic. Despite it being spring skiing conditions where it was slushy and soft in places,we still managed to work on our jumps and moguls. Justin came home and waxed our skis to help with that sticky snow a bit in the upcoming weeks. Here is some footage from our day.
Engineer Mountain
It is bright outside without your goggles!
The boys on the way up to the top.
The photographers token picture!
Aeneas takes a sliding landing!
Aeneas takes a faceplant and survives!
Patrick take a tumble.
Family Fun!
West Needles
Patrick is way better than us at moguls but can't seem to pull it off under the pressure of the camera.
Short skis make this look so easy. Now they are getting it.
Taking a break next to the fireplace at the base.
A little rascal made it into our picture.
Patrick starts to figure out the balance.
Another jump by Patrick with a little ego boost from the spectators.
"My parents made me do 6 runs of jumps and moguls today and I'm pooped."
The hike back the car is the hardest part of the day.
We are seven sisters joined by marriage. Spanning across six states from the Deep South to the Ozarks to the Rockies. We come together to love and encourage each other. Sharing our lives from crafting, to parenting, cooking, to spirituality. We have a lot to learn from one other. This is our place. These are our lives.
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