Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why I live in Durango

Durango is so far from family, the nearest interstate is over 150 miles away, the shopping is abysmal, and the median house price is close to $400K! We sacrifice a whole lot to live here and people ask "WHY?!?!"

Getting ready for the ride

Here's the answer. On a given Friday afternoon, we go to play in someone's backyard after school and it looks something like this: Bike racks on mini vans, miniature mountain bikes, rainbow colored helmets, dusty, rocky trails through the sage brush, cactus and pinion pines, skinned knees, kids covered in dirt, and afterward, huge slices of watermelon and mixed drinks for the moms on the front porch all to the backdrop of the LaPlata 12K.

Patrick, Aeneas, Ava and Alaysia

Aeneas and Lauren taking a scenic break.

Aeneas making tracks.

Alaysia, Ava, Patrick and Aeneas having some refreshment.

A group of very different people all striving to give their kids a gift. The gift of the wilderness and open spaces. And there is no price to put on that. That's why.

Patrick riding the trail with the La Platas in the background.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwhhh, love those reasons. i wouldn't trade that life for the world.
