Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Shoes

Summer has officially arrived here in the Rockies and looking forward to our upcoming camping adventure, we took a trip downtown to look for some summer, river, playing outside in the dirt shoes. We found some for Neenas and ended up paying $30! Which was a little steep but figured they needed something really good and durable. We walked across the street and found the exact same shoes, last pair, in Diddle's size on sale for $15! So we figured it at $20 bucks each, name brand and new, not so bad.

This is literally what they have looked like since we got them home. As the snow melts, any open dirt creates heavenly mud holes for these two little boys. It's like a tractor beam. They love their new shoes and love even more, getting them dirty. I feel like the "Cat In the Hat Came Back" at bath time. I've scrubbed it twice this week and it's only Tuesday! I have come to the realization that the effectiveness of one bath every week and a half is melting away with the snow.

We wandered this evening for close to a mile through open sage brush, thistle, mulch piles, rocks, mud holes, prairie dog towns and Neenas walked the whole way saying "We're goin' on a hike. This is a hike, Mama. And we're gonna camp out here. I'm a good hiker. This is a hike."

The last week has been a good break in week for those shoes. We're glad to have the warmth again finally but along with it comes the mud and dusty bodiesnwhich I had forgotten about over our winter hibernation. Any bets on those shoes lasting through the summer?!?!


  1. Love those toes of my Boys.....
    And they are so clean.

    They get that honestly. I love walking in water and I have new from last season clearence rack my Chaco's. I have them out and ready to wear @ the beach Hilton head, come on Spring I am ready.

  2. thats what boys are made for! and you guys live in the perfect spot for them to have lots of opportunity to splash and get muddy!

  3. Great buy on the shoes. I'd rather pay a little more for good quality then have to go out and buy more later. I love Aeneas talking about his hike. Can't believe he'll be three this month!

    I'm glad it's you and not me right now with boys. We're trying to sell the house again and I'm having a hard enough time keeping it clean with just Addison bringing everything she finds outside in.
